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Koi pond construction
Koi dragon
Care of koi during winter months
Butterfly koi
Koi fish


Information On Koi

These days an increasing number of people are buying Koi because they can easily place the fish in the Koi pond outside their home. On the other hand, it is important for you to know that if you want to keep the Koi healthy and happy, you will need to spend a lot of time as well as money.


Prior to buying a Koi, it is important for you to know the fundamentals so that you do not make any mistake, which can damage the health of your fish.

Koi pond

It is very obvious that you will have to think of a home for your Koi before you go ahead and buy the fish. If you want to have a perfect home for your fish, you will have to find out information such as the best location for the pond, the size of the pond, the materials that will be required for making the pond, climate, water temperature, etc. Of course, you can easily get valuable information from pond builders, pet stores and Koi dealers.

If you have made a pond then you should get a good filtration system for it so that you can properly maintain the water in the Koi pond. There are two kinds of filtration system for the Koi pond and they are mechanical and biological. By using the mechanical filtration system, you can get rid of pollutants, dead algae and insects from the pond. A biological filtration system is one that gets rid of dissolved wastes that are present in the water. This system makes use of the nitrogen cycle.

The most important thing that you should remember is to maintain clean water in the pond all the time. There is no way your Koi will be able to live for long if the water in the pond is dirty and contaminated. It is your duty to see that you have knowledge about how you can keep the water clean.

Buying a Koi

At present, you will find over one thousand types of Koi; with people from all over the world breeding about the twenty popular kinds. This is not it, more and more people are not breeding other kinds of Koi because of their wonderful colors and patterns.

So prior to buying your first Koi, you should make sure that your Koi pond has all the relevant equipments that will protect your fish for a long time.

Moreover, the size of your pond will determine the number of fishes that you can buy and keep there. It will also determine the size of the Koi that you should. If you have a small pond, it is recommended that you buy small fishes. Do not buy too many fishes because your pond will not be able to house so many fishes. If you buy plenty of fishes even though you have a small pond, you will be putting the lives of your fishes in danger.


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