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Plants That Would Compliment Your Koi Pond

If you want your Koi pond to look perfect, you should think about buying those plants that would compliment your pond and make your garden look wonderful. You can buy and place some plants or flower pots in and around your Koi pond to make it looks more attractive and appealing.


Before you go out to buy flower pots or plants for your Koi garden, you have to research and take into account two important things. These are the location of the Koi pond and the climate. Certain species of plants or flowers can not survive in certain climatic conditions and locations. This is the reason why you need to ascertain these two important factors before you get the plants and flowers for your garden. Thus, you should carry out a research prior to purchasing the plants.

Some of the well-known water plants that you can buy and use in your Koi garden are as follows:

1. Lotus Plants- If you have a tropical water garden then you should get lotus plants because these are perfect for your Koi garden. Many people love lotus because the flowers are not only lovely but they give out a refreshing smell that no other flowers can surpass. Of course, you will have to consider a green house set up if you want to protect your lotus plants during the winter season.

These plants need adequate mount of sunlight to survive and they also require enough soil. So you should plant them about two to three feet into the pond's water during the summer months and during the winter season, you should keep these plants indoors.

2. Water Hyacinths- If you do not have a lot of time to maintain and take care of your plants then perhaps you should consider getting water hyacinths for your Koi garden. Water Hyacinths do not require much care and most importantly, they do not require any particular type of soil or planting. All you have to do is throw these plants into your Koi pond and after sometime, these plants will fasten themselves to the pond and they will not float on the water anymore. Water hyacinths can help in getting rid of algae and blanket weeds.

If you get water hyacinths, you will find that these plants grow very quickly and they also spread to the different parts of the pond in very little time. You should check these plants at regular intervals because if you do not check them then they will cover the whole pond and this something that you do not want. You should spend sometime controlling these plants because if you ignore water hyacinths for a long time, they will be difficult to control.

The plants that you choose for your Koi garden will depend on the amount of time that you are willing to give to maintain these plants. The geographic location is also another important factor that will determine the plants that you should get.


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