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Care For Your Koi During The Summer Months

If you are breeding Koi, you will know that the Koi pond is at its best during the summer months. Moreover, since the temperature will be great to stay outdoors you will have a better time enjoying your fish during summer than winter. However, you will still have to continue caring for and maintaining your Koi pond during summer season.


Given below are some of the points that you should remember while caring for your Koi and Koi pond in the summer season:

1. Evaporation- It is important for you to check the water level of your Koi pond at regular intervals because evaporation takes place faster in the summer months. Thus, you should fill more water in the pond to maintain the ideal water level. You also have to ensure that the water that you use is free from chlorine.

2. Oxygen level- You have to take necessary actions to ensure that the level of oxygen in the pond water is not reduced. You must be aware that oxygen tends to decrease during summer. When you find your fish on the surface of the water most of the time or when it looks like as if it is gasping for oxygen, it indicates that the oxygen level in the pond water is not enough for the fish and you need to take immediate actions. Some of the solutions to this problem are fountains and waterfalls because more oxygen will be introduced to the water when the water is moving continuously. Otherwise, you should change the pond water frequently to prevent this problem from taking place.

3. Feeding- I am sure you are aware that you have to feed your fish not just during the summer season but all through the year. However, your Koi will not require much protein and food during the summer months. You can reduce the quantity of food that you feed your fish and if it looks like your fish needs more food, feed them a little more. It is important for you to realize that you should not offer your fish more than it needs because Koi will only eat the amount of food that it needs to survive. The excess food will spoil and pollute the water.

4. Parasites- One other problem that you can face during summer is parasites. As a result, your fish will be prone to illness. You will not be able to see the parasites but your Koi will be able to. You will know that there are parasites in your pond when you find your fish behaving strangely such as shivering, shaking or rubbing itself against certain objects. Some of the other symptoms are bodily changes or spots on the body of your fish. In such a situation, it is advised that you talk to your vet immediately.


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